02.01.2013 09:16:33

As usual the evening before beginning of adult part of the tournament the Shot and Save competition takes place. We will all meet at the event of scoring, magic tricks, incredible saves and penalty shooting
lovers. This year the 5th volume will be organized.

Registered couples will be divided into basic groups and will thenproceed to play-offs based on their results.

Date: Wednesday 26.6.2013
Location: SH Hattrick Brno a SH Start Brno
Registration fee: 400,-
Pay via bank transfer to: 2222591001/5500

Every game of Shot and Save competition is played on sets. One set contains 5 penalty shootings on each side. Shooters are performing penalty shooting onto the competitors goalkeeper in turns. The set ends when one couple scores more goals then the second one after series of 5 shootings.
Every game is played on two winning sets. If the set is tied after series of 5 shootings, the set is continued by “quick death” system unless one side wins. The game begins with shooter whose couple is noted as the first in the game listing. Before the beginning of the 3rd set the referee will take a chance lot in order to decide which side will begin this set.

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